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Tips on Being Asbestos Aware

It’s Asbestos Awareness Month, and we’ve got the tips to help you remain safe around it.

Asbestos is no joke, and can lead to fatal diseases at its worst. Buildings built or renovated prior to 1990, or built and renovated prior to 2004 have the potential to contain asbestos.

Master Builders NSW Safety Advisor and Trainer Graham Stewart has revealed seven safety tips on being on top of asbestos awareness.

Asbestos sign
  1. Duty: WHS regulations dictate workers have a duty of care to look after not only yourself but your co-workers or employees as well as the building as a whole.
  2. Look: Ensure a building as been inspected by an asbestos assessor. You can request a report from SafeWork NSW (or corresponding state/territory body) to undertake it. You also have a responsibility to be on the lookout for asbestos, remember to never assume it’s not asbestos.
  3. Stop: If you come across asbestos, or what you believe to be asbestos, stop work immediately.
  4. Move: Move away from the asbestos/suspected asbestos. In NSW, call SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50 asap. In other states/territories, call their respective work safety bodies (see below).
  5. Wear: To inspect areas that may contain asbestos, you must be wearing a mask and nitrile gloves.
  6. Report: If you identify asbestos, inform your supervisor and/or your work safe governing body.
  7. Always: You must use licensed removalists when getting rid of asbestos.

For more information on asbestos, visit

Other work safety numbers:

Queensland: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)

Victoria: 13 23 60

South Australia: 1300 365 255

Tasmania: 1300 366 322

Northern Territory: 1800 019 115

ACT: 13 22 81 (business hours only)

Western Australia: 1300 307 877


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