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Meet Bert and his Excellent painting team

Painter Yarra Valley

Bert grew up surrounded by paint cans.

His father – Gabriel – has been painting all his life since growing up in Hungary. He emigrated to Australia in 1987, where he set up his own painting business in Victoria’s Yarra Valley.

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Bert said when he was growing up there was no shortage of paint-themed chores to be done.

“There was no such thing as free pocket money in our household. So if we wanted it we had to paint with him to earn it,” he said.

“I swore I’d never be a painter because I hated the smell of dad’s
turpsey van.”

From dabbling in music, to working at JB Hi-Fi and moving to Queensland, Bert did his best to keep away from anything to do with painting.

However, he eventually found himself back in the nest of Yarra Valley, where his dad and the paintbrush were waiting for him.

Image: supplied by Bert Bartha

Brushing shoulders

“I ended up going back to painting, and the more I did it, the more I fell in love with it,” Bert said.

“I did my apprenticeship with my old man, then he had the foresight to ‘fire’ me so I could work for other people to learn more.”

As he got more comfortable with the trade, Bert started building his own

It soon came time for him to move up in the family business – Excellent Coatings.

“My dad and I sat down and I bought 50 per cent of the business off him,” Bert said.

“We co-ran it for a couple of years, then I hustled him out and bought the other 50 per cent.

“He still works in the company, but he can go home and turn his
brain off.”

Image: supplied by Bert Bartha

Eight years on from taking the reins, and Bert is loving every minute on the job.

His six-person team has a client portfolio consisting of jobs for building body corporates, high-end domestic jobs
as well as working for select builders on more bespoke jobs.

A new coat

These days, Bert mostly handles the business end of Excellent Coatings, which includes doing quotes and “answering emails”.

Since becoming a small business owner, Bert said he’s found the assistance from his local Master Painters Association to be invaluable.

Master Painters Assocation Victoria (MPAV) helps thousands of painters both in VIC and Tasmania with business advice, as well as providing info on relevant legislation.

The Barthas have been MPAV members for more than 30 years, and have benefitted greatly.

“Since I’ve been a part of MPAV, it’s been a massive help,” Bert said.

“When I was taking over the business, I was doing all the courses they had, as well as estimating, client relationships and lead-based courses.”

Image: supplied by Bert Bartha

While Bert stands as a seasoned painting pro, he said having a team like MPAV at his back was a massive relief.

“The best thing I get from Master Painters is the day-to-day support,” he said.

“I know I can call up if I have a question on anything to do with paying my guys or superannuation or legal ramifications and terms and conditions.

“They’ve been an invaluable part of the business.

Check out Excellent Coatings online at excellentcoatings.com.au or @excellentcoatings

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